Satoshi Furukawa, Lisa Wingenfeld, Satomu Morita, Akari Takaya, Tokiko Nakagawa, Ikuo Sakaguchi, Wakoto Matsuda and Katsuji Nishi
We encountered three cases of the intra-thyroidal ectopic thymus at autopsy and also performed three autopsy cases consisted of mothers and children, and children with severe stress. The morphological and immune histochemical characteristics of the Hassall’s corpuscles were examined in those in ectopic and normal positioned thymus, and in the thymuses obtained from mothers and children, and children with severe stress. The Hassall’s corpuscles obtained from ectopic and normal positioned thymus showed resemble morphology and stainability with antibodies. These results indicate the Hassall’s corpuscles in the intra-thyroidal ectopic thymuses also possess the biological significance.
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