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The Current Situation of Diagnosis and Treatment of Tuberculosis in Childhood in China


Xuemei Cui, Hongxuan Li, Fuyong Jiao* and Yu Mengrao

Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major public health problem worldwide and China is one of 22 high-burden countries. Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection, period of pediatric tuberculosis (TB) in the most common primary tuberculosis. Children after initial contact named tuberculosis bacili is main with the body's immunity, bacterial virulence and quantity. Recently, pediatric TB incidence certainly has a rising trend, the original hairstyle tuberculosis is named tuberculosis bacili of primary infection occurred after first invasion of the lung, is the main type of pediatric tuberculosis, the vast majority of the total number of children of various tuberculosis. Adult tuberculosis (TB), and the presence of resistant strains, bring children tuberculosis prevention and control of the difficulties, childhood tuberculosis prevention and control of can only strengthen and not weaken. From 1979 to 1979, our country has carried on the four national tuberculosis epidemiological sampling survey (flow), childhood tuberculosis accounts for about 10% of all TB, estimates that new TB patients more than 100 children each year, about 250000 death Childhood tuberculosis diagnosis is difficult, the lack of diagnostic gold standard, always views the tuberculin skin test (tuberculin skin test, TST), the typical imaging and clinical manifestations, in recent years, some new diagnostic method for diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis. The Molecular biology technology, molecular device MTB/RIF system linear probe technique; the basis of etiology examination for diagnosis of tuberculosis. Because of its low incidence, low light symptoms, sputum smear positive rate and diagnosis difficult, childhood tuberculosis are easy to be overlooked. According to the types and present status of tuberculosis and activity, and check the lungs outside have other parts of the body without the existence of active tuberculosis, to determine treatment. There are systemic therapy, anti-tuberculosis drug treatment (chemotherapy) chemicals, hormone therapy, surgical therapy. In this paper, the children and clinical manifestations of the disease is associated with TB diagnosis and treatment measures and the research progress of the status quo of the diagnosis and treatment in recent years.

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