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వాల్యూమ్ 9, సమస్య 2 (2018)

సమీక్షా వ్యాసం

Survival Strategies of Marketers in the Nigerian Banking Industry

Edwin Anyim

The importance of marketing strategies in the Banking Industries cannot be over emphasized because it is an important aim of banking sector. Due to competition within and outside the country, these has brought about globalization and an improvement in customer awareness, and have made banks to use marketing as an important tool to increase returns, improve the productivity of the Nigerian banking system and also compete effectively.

This study is set out to investigate the survival strategies of marketers in the Nigerian banking industry with specific focus on deposit money banks. The data gathered were analyzed by using frequency and percentages. The hypothesis formulated for the study was tested by the use of the chi-square method to arrive at the research result. Findings revealed that marketing strategy development are important for continuing growth and survival of business organization in this volatile Nigerian marketing environment.

సమీక్షా వ్యాసం

The Effect of Perceived Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction in Private Commercial Banks of Ethiopia: The Case of Selected Private Commercial Banks at Dire Dawa Administration

Jonathan B Dawit and Ubah Adem

Financial and banking service has become more vital for the development of an economy especially for the developing country like Ethiopia. All Ethiopian commercial banks, whether public or government, compete on quality service to satisfy the customers to win and sustain in the competition. This study focus to study the effect of perceived service quality on customer satisfaction in private commercial banks of Ethiopia. To realize this, 375 respondents was taken from 10 private commercial banks via self-administer questionnaires. Customers was agreed and satisfied on service quality dimensioned delivered by their respective banks. Multiple regression result showed that Empathy, Reliability and Responsiveness predicted 61.2% of variation on customer satisfaction.

పరిశోధన వ్యాసం

Estimation of Per Capita Food Consumption Patterns and Related Poverty in Kabal

Robina Karim, Sher Khan, Muhammad Ibrahim and Nasrullah

To analyze the per capita food consumption and related poverty, village Kabal a rural area of district Swat, Pakistan was selected. The average household size, based on 100 households was estimated as 6.5. It appears that on average an adult equivalent takes 372.51 g of flour, 74.68 g of meat, 70.29 g of rice, 177.12 g of vegetables, 28.31 g of pulses, 66.39 g of fruits, 166.34 g of milk, 53.60 g of fats, 6.76 g of black tea, and 73.21 g of sugar daily. Moreover, an average household spends Rs.16714.45 of their monthly income on food consumption. An individual member (adult-equivalent) of the surveyed household takes food, yielding 2857.27 calories per day. Since an adult person needs 2350 calories daily to live a normal life, this level is thus considered as the base to determine whether a person is on, above or below the poverty line. Based on average calorie intake, the surveyed households are found, on average, above poverty line (PL=1.2). The poverty status of the households surveyed shows that out of 100 households studied, 68.3% are above, 23.31% below, and 8.39% on the poverty line.

పరిశోధన వ్యాసం

Determinants of Employee Turnover A Survey of Employee Intentions Trend in Urban Societies of the Region

Roohi Mumtaz and Syed Shahwar Hasan

The banking sector in the south Asian region has witnessed considerable turnover rate with the turn of millennium and simultaneously generating plenty of attractive job opportunities springing up in external markets for the employees. Every organization makes all efforts to retain its valuable workforce to lead and sustain in the trade market and prosper in the corporate world. The focus of this research paper was to identify the motives and the determinants of increasing rate of employee turnover. This would further lead to their work relationships that unfold their aims and intentions that materialize them motivates in switching jobs. The prime focus of this research paper was the urban society of the region and highlights the determinants and reasons behind that increase the rate of turnover. The determinants discussed in the research study include employee-boss relations, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, gender discrimination and the apparent job opportunities.

The primary as well secondary sources of research were used to gather the information. Primary research includes the survey questionnaires which were prepared to gather factual data for the purpose. The simple random sampling method which is a type of probability sampling method was used to select the sample from the different leading Banks of the urban areas of Karachi. The study has found strong positive correlation between the employeeboss relations and employee turnover. The secondary determinants such as, job contentment and job commitment show modest and pessimistic relationship in employee turnover while lucrative job opportunities have strong positive and direct correlation with employee turnover.

పరిశోధన వ్యాసం

Relationship between Brand Equity and Corporate Governance Disclosures: A Study of Top 20 Brands in India

Pankaj Mishra

This study examines the relationship between brand equity and corporate governance of firms by using disclosures as the measure of corporate governance. Top 20 Indian brands have been tested using correlation and regression to examine the association and relationship between their brand equity and their corporate governance disclosure score. The study revealed significant correlation between overall corporate governance disclosure and brand equity for the year 2016. Strength of Board Committees was the only corporate governance component that showed significant correlation with brand equity. Regression revealed significant relationship between overall corporate governance disclosure score and brand equity with 33 per cent variation in brand equity explained by overall corporate governance disclosure Score for 2016. Investor Relations explained for 40 per cent variation in Brand Equity in 2016. Not all aspect of corporate governance however impacts brand equity. Strong brand management with effective corporate governance can be one of the means to achieve enhanced Brand Equity.

సమీక్షా వ్యాసం

Impact of the Bank/Company Relationship on Information Asymmetry

Amina Benattou EL Idrissi and Karim Bennis

In a bank/company report, the level of information and understanding of what is happening in the company is inevitably incomparable between a banker and a company executive. This difference largely explains the difference of opinion between the two parties.

After a long hiatus, research has massively focused on explaining the different aspects of the relationship between the bank and the company. Indeed, the theory of financial intermediation has evolved considerably in recent years following the integration of information asymmetry problems. Banks have particular expertise in valuing businesses, making them more suitable than other creditors to select and control borrowers. Such superiority of banks is attributed to the Bank-Enterprise relationship, which is now a crucial element in the elimination of asymmetric information problems and the reduction of the scale of risk.

This study is motivated by the lack of consensus on the role of the Bank - Enterprise relationship in disclosing information. More specifically, the major concern of this paper is to bring out, through the literature, the impact of the bank/enterprise relationship on information asymmetry.

సమీక్షా వ్యాసం

Features of Establishing Accounting Policy in Tourism Enterprises

Temirkhanova Mutabar Juraevna

In this article questions on improvement of accounting policy in tourist companies are disclosed. The essence of accounting policy and its need, as well as proposals on the approximation of international standards, features of the general, methodical, technical and organizational sections of accounting.

పరిశోధన వ్యాసం

A Class of Multi-Attribute Auction Transformed into Single-Attribute Auction on Margin Bid

Muhammad Farhan Bashir

Designing a multi-attribute auction can have many advantages especially in concerning different attributes besides price. Nevertheless, the complexity of this method makes it hard to carry out the optimal mechanism. This paper combines the first sealed auction mechanism with multi-attribute auction, and gives a method of transforming multi-attribute auction into single-attribute auction by bidding in deposit. The analysis indicates that this method can just not only reduces the transaction risk caused by suppliers who will abandon the bid, but also makes the multi-attribute auction more easier to implement and operate; Besides, the method meets the incentive compatibility and participation constraint conditions under which the highest bidding supplier will win the auction; On the other hand, it also shows that equilibrium price and equilibrium quality increase as the efficiency parameter increase, but equilibrium delivery time increase when it decrease. More importantly, it is really interesting and inspiring that this method can bring more expected profits to the buyer comparing with traditional auction.

పరిశోధన వ్యాసం

Productivity Driven by Job Satisfaction, Physical Work Environment, Management Support and Job Autonomy

Kyle Shobe

Business is driven by the necessity of building profits and adding to the value stream of the global economy. Every business across the globe looks to be highly productive and extremely lean and efficient. High productivity has many driving factors and those factors will be dissected and thoroughly examined to determine their effectiveness in altering productivity in the workplace. The research conducted shows the importance of being able to balance job satisfaction, ergonomics of the physical workplace, management support, and autonomy of the workforce to build a productive work environment. The research showed that job satisfaction correlates heavily with job performance and work output of staff. The physical work environment and how it affects productivity was researched and gave strong signs the two are related in many ways. Also, management support, as well as autonomy of the workforce proved to be leading factors in determining the level of productivity in the workplace. Through research and literature review, dissatisfied employees, poor working conditions, unsupportive management and alienation among team members drives poor performance and low productivity. In conclusion of the research on this topic, there will be a study done to help in supporting the literature findings. There was a survey conducted with one hundred office employees of a manufacturing plant which gives evidence and insight as to what variables really drive high productivity in the workplace.

పరిశోధన వ్యాసం

Does the Entrepreneurial Human Capital is Important for Organizational Performance?

Saqib Amin

The study investigates the relationship between entrepreneurial human capital and performance of organizations in Pakistan. It adopts quantitative methodological framework which collected data from annual reports of selected organizations registered in Lahore Stock Exchange (LSE) of Pakistan. This study used both Regression analysis and correlation techniques to find the relationship and degree of relationship between entrepreneurial human capital and organizational performance. The findings show that entrepreneurial human capital (Education, Experience and skills) are positively associated with the performance of organizations. Organizations are encouraged to adopt good entrepreneurial human capital practices to improve their performance and also to protect the interest of the shareholders.

పరిశోధన వ్యాసం

Institutional Environment and Internationalization: The Case of Brazilian Agency

Fabricio Stocker

We analyze the acting of a formal government institution in an attempt to support business and fill the institutional void, whose context is evident in Latin America. We investigated the Brazilian Agency for Export and Investment Promotion. The data shows that the institution is configured as a structured market intermediary and directed to contribute to the institutional environment, with the shares to reduce asymmetric information, acting as a link between business exporters and importers and acting as a political strategist. However, it is evident also that the volume of companies with potential for internationalization as well as institutional settings still represent a major challenge for the institutions, being a fertile ground for future research, especially in emerging countries where institutional voids are most evident.

పరిశోధన వ్యాసం

A Suitable Business Model for Bank Branches: Combining Business Model and Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI)

Balal Karimi, Mostafa Davtalab-Olyaie and Ali Abdali Abdali

In the recent years, more competitive business area has been used in various industries. According to the researches in the business fields, to achieve a competitive position for the company, it is necessary to use a suitable business model with high performance quality. Using a successful business model is a better choice in comparison with the other available options. But using an unsuitable business model may due to damage for the company. To identify a suitable business model, we use Malmquist productivity index (MPI), which is an economic indicator. To do this, we first propose a business model for commercial bank branches in Iran. We then calculate the productivity progress of each branch after carrying out our proposed business model using MPI. This index will be obtained using data envelopment analysis. This method is the first method to combine business model and MPI for developing an assessment model in business, which is stronger than other existent models. Finally, this method is implemented on a sample of statistical population including 40 bank branches in Iran.

పరిశోధన వ్యాసం

E-commerce Adoption and Analysis of the Popular E-commerce Business Sites in Malaysia

Chin Yung Wei, Intan Syahidah Bt Mohd Fauzi, Thenmoley R, Elhag Siddig Elhag Elhussein, and David Asirvatham

This article employs an analysis of e-commerce adoption and preferred online e-commerce companies in Malaysia. The objectives of this study are to analyse the application and adoption of e-commerce among Malaysian online users. The study analyses each website attractiveness, preferred websites, acceptance level of users, concerns when conducting online transactions, problems encountered and finally type of products and payment method preferred by online users. Online users or customers are the source of information. This report further understands the issues and risks faced by online shoppers and the strength and weakness faced by e-commerce business entity. In this study the researchers analyzed the data collected from 3 popular website users; Lazada, Mudah.com and 11Street. For data collection, online survey, questionnaire and automated web analysis tools and companies business reports were extracted.

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