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వాల్యూమ్ 2, సమస్య 2 (2013)

పరిశోధన వ్యాసం

Fault Diagnosis of Spinning Industrial Systems by Using Wavelet Analysis and Soft Computer Classifier

Ahmed E. Amin Mohamed

Any industry needs an efficient predictive plan in order to optimize the production quality and improve the economy of the plant by reducing the defective product and produce final product fits its end-use.
In the textile industry, mass variation is an important property of yarn and is generally described by the diagram and spectrogram. The main parameter used for characterizing yarn evenness is the Coefficient of Variation (C.V %).
This parameter is based on the “cut and weight” method. Practice in the industry test length of 8 mm was used. This means that the C.V% corresponds to an electronic cut length of 8 millimeter. A diagram of the mass variation can also be produced to provide an overall profile of yarn irregularity.
For spun yarns, the evenness tester produces a spectrogram that covers a range of wavelengths from 2 cm to 1280 m. It assesses periodic mass variations, which occur at least 25 times as being statistically significant. Periodic variations are typically caused by mechanical defects (e.g. drafting faults).
This paper presented a new method based on multi-resolution analysis, for the classification of yarn mechanical defects diagnosis. It is constituted of two stages architecture: in the first stage a set of features are extracted from yarn signal by a wavelet analysis. The second stage is devoted to the classification of defect from the features by using Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN). Naïve Bayes algorithm and Bayes net algorithm is taken for classification and compared. The novelty of the proposed method resides in the ability not only with higher precision, but also with dimensionality reduction and higher speed than method of Fourier transform and mathematical statistics.

సమీక్షా వ్యాసం

An Unpretentious View of Technical Drawings – Historic Evolution (Managerial Approach)

Jairo Aparecido Martins, Eduardo Jose Freire, Estaner Claro Rom

Since the very initial industrial activities along the past, industrial revolution, and until the contemporary technology level, the industrial objectives and resources roughly have being the same. The industry creates products to serve society, earning wherewithal and by using technological resources like, drawings, procedures, planning, machines, labor, tools, materials etc…. The drawing indeed is one of the most important creations of the mankind, and along the years, mainly since the industrial revolution, has become more and more important into this technological environment. Drawings per si; prescripts the technology of the company, mainly for being considered, along decades, the document which synthesize the company’s identity. This paper aims to describe historically, empirically and uniquely by the author´s views, the impact on the drawing with the more intense application of new technologies. Understanding technology as the application of new intellectual tools, machines, methods and methodologies, (3D modeling, FMEA, DFSS, Six Sigma, etc…) associated with the industry, academies and producer.

పరిశోధన వ్యాసం

A Mixed Integer Programming Model for Coordination of Multi-Product Two-Echelon Supply Chain Using Meta-heuristic Solu

Yahia Zare Mehrjerdi and SH Anvar

There is a direct or forward currency of material or production in the commodity`s traditional currency and industry managers emphasize on its control and management. This currency continues from suppliers to producers, distributors, retailers and ultimately consumers but in many industries there is another important currency in the supply chain that forms reversely and products will be returned from lower level of the supply chain to a higher level. Reverse logistic wants to manage and study reverse currencies or in other word backward currencies. In this research, we proposed mathematical modeling of reverse supply chain’s costs. The presented model is an integer linear programming model for multi-layer, multi-product reverse supply chain that minimizes the products and parts transportation costs among centers and also sites launch, operation parts, maintenance and remanufacturing costs at the same time. We solve the proposed model using Lingo 9 software.

పరిశోధన వ్యాసం

Mathematical Modeling for Minimizing Costs in a Multilayer Multi-Product Reverse Supply Chain

Hoda Mahmoudi, Hamed Fazlollahtabar, Iraj Mahdavi

There is a direct or forward currency of material or production in the commodity`s traditional currency and industry managers emphasize on its control and management. This currency continues from suppliers to producers, distributors, retailers and ultimately consumers but in many industries there is another important currency in the supply chain that forms reversely and products will be returned from lower level of the supply chain to a higher level. Reverse logistic wants to manage and study reverse currencies or in other word backward currencies. In this research, we proposed mathematical modeling of reverse supply chain’s costs. The presented model is an integer linear programming model for multi-layer, multi-product reverse supply chain that minimizes the products and parts transportation costs among centers and also sites launch, operation parts, maintenance and remanufacturing costs at the same time. We solve the proposed model using Lingo 9 software.

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