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వాల్యూమ్ 14, సమస్య 6 (2023)

మినీ సమీక్ష

Regular HIV Testing and Counselling help for patients

Freddy Perez

This review aims to explore the impact of regular HIV testing and counseling on patient outcomes, emphasizing the importance of proactive healthcare measures in the context of HIV prevention and management. The paper synthesizes existing literature to provide insights into the benefits of routine testing and counseling, challenges faced, and potential solutions to improve implementation.

మినీ సమీక్ష

The Complex Journey of AIDS Vaccine Development

Judith Dean

This comprehensive review examines the intricate trajectory of AIDS vaccine development, focusing on the multifaceted challenges faced, the significant strides made, and the promising avenues for future research. Through a synthesis of existing literature, clinical trials, and scientific advancements, this paper provides a nuanced understanding of the complexities inherent in the quest for an effective vaccine against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).


Cancer Incidence and Risk Among HIV-infected Individuals in Taiwan: Results From a Follow-up Study Combining Two Nationwide Registries

Marcelo Chen#, I-An Jen#, Wei-You Li and Yi-Ming Arthur Chen*

Background: Previous epidemiological studies have reported an increased risk of some cancers in People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). This study was performed to investigate the epidemiology of cancers in PLWHA in Taiwan.

Methods: Data from Taiwan’s National Health Research Database and the HIV/AIDS registry of Taiwan CDC were matched to identify HIVpositive cases from January 2001 to December 2016 who subsequently were diagnosed with cancer. These cases were then compared to general population controls in a 20 to 1 controls to cases ratio. The Incidence Density (ID) and Standardized Incidence Ratio (SIR) were calculated for each cancer.

Results: A total of 1,960 PLWHA with cancer were identified in this study period. For the AIDS-defining cancers, the highest ID per 100,000 person-years was for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in males (ID=216.17) and cervical cancer in females (ID=480.24). The highest SIR was for Kaposi’s sarcoma in males (SIR=252.29, 95%CI=224.49-284.23) and in females (SIR=166.67, 95%CI=53.71-338.94). For the non-AIDS defining cancers, the highest ID per 100,000 person-years was for liver and intrahepatic duct cancer (ID=96.75) in males and bronchus and lung cancer in females (ID=102.55). The highest SIR was for cancer of the anus or anal canal in males (SIR=46.02, 95%CI=36.55-57.2) and in females (SIR=18.75, 95%CI=3.77-54.78). Survival analysis showed that survival was worse in men without HAART and with cancer than in men with HAART and cancer.

Conclusion: PLWHA are at an increased risk of ADCs and NADCs and HAART improves survival. PLWHA should therefore be screened regularly and aggressively for early cancer detection and treatment.

మినీ సమీక్ష

Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of HIV

Nathan Smith

The HIV/AIDS pandemic continues to pose a significant global health challenge. The development of effective antiretroviral therapies has been crucial in managing the disease. This study examines the recent approval by the Food and Drug Administration of a groundbreaking treatment for HIV and its potential impact on improving patient outcomes. We conducted a comprehensive review of the clinical trials and regulatory processes leading to the FDA approval of the new HIV treatment. Data on safety, efficacy and patient outcomes were analyzed to assess the treatment's effectiveness in comparison to existing therapies. The FDA granted approval for the new HIV treatment based on robust clinical evidence demonstrating its efficacy in suppressing viral replication and improving immunological parameters. The treatment also exhibited a favorable safety profile, with minimal adverse effects reported during the trials. The approval of this novel HIV treatment marks a significant milestone in the field of antiretroviral therapy. Its unique mechanism of action and improved tolerability offer new hope for HIV patients, particularly those who have developed resistance to existing medications. The study discusses potential implications for clinical practice, public health and ongoing efforts to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The FDA approval of this novel HIV treatment represents a major advancement in the field of antiretroviral therapy. Continued research and monitoring will be essential to further elucidate the long-term efficacy and safety of this treatment, as well as its impact on global HIV management strategies.

మినీ సమీక్ష

Ryan\'s Diagnosis Came at a Time When HIV/AIDS was still poorly understood

Dyah Juliastuti

This retrospective study delves into the experiences of individuals diagnosed with HIV/AIDS during a period marked by limited understanding and stigmatization. Through the lens of Ryan's diagnosis, the paper explores the challenges faced by patients and healthcare providers, shedding light on the prevailing misconceptions and the evolving landscape of HIV/AIDS knowledge during that time.

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