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వాల్యూమ్ 4, సమస్య 1 (2015)

పరిశోధన వ్యాసం

A Novel Application of Sensor Networks in Biomedical Engineering

Sabzpoushan SH, Maleki A and Miri F

Born on other applications, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) grew on the promise of biomedical engineering applications. In this research we suggest system architecture for smart healthcare, based on a novel WSN. Our system particularly targets assisted-living residents and others who may help from continuous remote health monitoring. We present the objectives, advantages, and status of the design. An experimental livelihood space has been constructed at the Department of Biomedical Engineering (DBE) at Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) for assessment of our system. A ten days monitoring and experimental results suggest a physically powerful potential for WSNs to open new research area in biomedical engineering, i.e. for low-cost, ad hoc use of multimodal sensors for a better quality of medical care.

పరిశోధన వ్యాసం

Path Loss Prediction of Wireless Mobile Communication for Urban Areas of Imo State, South-East Region of Nigeria at 910 MHz

Nnamani Kelvin N and Alumona TL

This paper provides an extension of path loss prediction in urban city of Imo State of Nigeria with a measured set of propagation at 910 MHz band. This paper work discusses and implements Okumura, Hata, cost-231, walfisch-Ikegami model, Sagami-Kuboi Model even though Hata and cost-231 Hata Models are extensively used in path loss analysis for GSM and CDMA systems comparison with the set results developed. It is of utmost importance that this paper work guides network designers in mobile cellular propagation and inculcates an accurate method of designing, deploying and managing of their network for proper attenuation.

పరిశోధన వ్యాసం

Optimization of Resource Allocation in OFDM Communication System for Different Modulation Technique using FRBS and PSO

Farhana Mustafa and Padma Lohiya

OFDM is technique that is chosen for high data rate communication and is important for 4th generation communication system. Resources such as power, bandwidth are limited, thus intelligent allocation of these resources to users are crucial for delivering the best possible quality of services. Fuzzy Rule Based System (FRBS) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm are used for optimization of code rate, modulation and power. FRBS is used for adapting code rate and modulation size while PSO is used for power allocation.

సమీక్షా వ్యాసం

A Survey on Security and Privacy in Wireless Sensor Network

Sameer Kumar Meher and Manjusha Pandey

Over the past few years, the concern of security is increasing day by day. Without proper protection, any part of any network can be susceptible to attacks or unauthorized activity. Ring Signature is a type of digital signature that enable a user to sign a message so that ring of possible signers is identified without revealing exactly which member of that ring actually generated the signature. Ring signatures are completely ad-hoc in nature there is no requirement of any central authority or coordination among different users. In this paper, we review summarize the study of ring signature schemes and scrutinize their relationships with other existing cryptographic schemes and discuss the uses and the mechanism used by ring signature.

పరిశోధన వ్యాసం

Monitoring Internet Access along with Usage of Bandwidth Using Intrusion Detection System

Rajagopal D and Thilakavalli K

New Approach to observe web Access beside Usage of information measure victimization Intrusion Detection System could be a comprehensive web use observation and news utility for company networks. It takes advantage of the very fact that the majority companies give web access through proxy servers, like MS ISA Server, MS Forefront TMG, WinGate, WinRoute, MS Proxy, WinProxy, EServ, Squid, Proxy Plus, and others. Whenever the user accesses several websites, transfer files or pictures, these actions were logged. The system processes these log files to supply system directors a good vary of report-building choices. It might build reports for individual users, showing the list of internet sites visited, beside elaborate classification of web activity (downloading, reading text, viewing footage, observation movies, paying attention to music, and working). This technique might produce comprehensive reports with analysis of overall information measure consumption, building easy-to-comprehend visual charts that show the areas wherever wasteful information measure consumption has eliminated. This new approach is employed to observation the web information measure employed by the user. victimization this technique will simply decide that user fill the information measure most heavily, when, and what specifically they transfer, what proportion time they pay on-line, and what knowledge transfer traffic they produce.

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